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Bottled Ship Builder


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Everything posted by Onni

  1. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    Main mast goes in and I glue it firmly in place with two component glue.Two of the lifeboats in place but unfortunately the port side one is not at the correct angle and the glue has already set .Not much that I can do with it now.?
  2. Onni


    Welcome. I'm sure that you will get plenty of ideas and advice from the forum. Good to have you aboard.
  3. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    Mast in place,after rigging is tightened added binnacle etc ,screw raising pulley and guns.
  4. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    The sea goes in and I disassemble HMS Gannet ready to squeeze her through the bottle neck and re-assemble piece by piece inside.Bottom of hull in and insertion of the top halves follows. Have to wait for the glue to dry.
  5. Fits nicely in the bottle Frankie. Mast height looks perfect.
  6. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    Spent some hours trying to fashion some decent looking railings with stanchions but the effort was totally wasted because they looked awful (Not even going to post a picture of them!) ? Bought instead some photo etched railings from the net which still took time to paint and fix but the end result is quite pleasing.?
  7. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    Some of the clutter which may be in the final version.
  8. Well done Artur and congratulations! There are some beautiful models there on display.
  9. Beautiful work Alan and congratulations on winning first place. You have made a real work of art. Top marks!
  10. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    Thanks Chasseur.I have a fascination of ships in the transitional stage of sail to steam and I look forward to seeing more of HMS Wivern that is from that era. Made this model of HMS Inflexible in 2013.It's in a very narrow, slightly tinted antique bottle. I chose to do a full hull model to do her justice. Quite happy how she turned out although the rigging could of been tighter.
  11. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    Had to cut up the forecastle and poop deck to be able to get them through the bottle neck and also try to make them a bit more solid for e.g. railings,rigging and other items.Beginning to look like a jigsaw puzzle.
  12. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    Tried a few different ideas for the rolled up sails and in the end just laid several layers of white glue on the spars and painted them.Simple solution and quick and easy.Looks less top heavy anyway.
  13. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    After spending hours rolling thin linen and tying them with cotton on to the spars to imitate furled sails,decided that it didn't look good and discarded them.Another 20 minutes to unpick them...duh!
  14. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    but then other times they do go better...My original sea looked pretty bland but with a bit of acrylic paints, big improvement?
  15. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    Sometimes things just don't seem to go right...
  16. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    Made some cowl ventilators using two different diameters of white styrene tubing.Enlarged the ends using a woodburning iron and then cut them off, and glued back on at an angle. Still have to paint them.
  17. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    Some of the armament that I may use; Nordenfelt machine guns on fo'c'sle,64pdr muzzle loaders on main deck and two Armstrong guns on the poop deck. A lot of the items I may or may not use as a full deck can look a bit cluttered . Added the hammock netting which is on the top of the bulwarks (indicated by the badly drawn arrow!)
  18. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    Shrouds look a little bit better....
  19. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    My nemesis; modelling ladders...
  20. Onni


    Wow Artur,that's amazing!
  21. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    'Getting the Bird' (three to be precise) Not happy with the scale so reduced to a smaller size. Wife says that I am too fussy which is true. Made some furniture for the Captains cabin even it can be seen only through a tiny hatch or porthole but I know its there. Comprises of a table and chair (forgot to take a photo of the chair) chaise longue, stove and captains cot with wash basin and draws underneath. Painted some of the masts and spars etc using yellow ochre colour.I will clear coat them with a varnish spray when the paint dries. Next will be muzzle loading guns and other armament .
  22. Nice work. I think I have to call you the gadget man ?
  23. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    Thanks.Fantastic work on the Constitutionen Artur.You have a great talent which I strive to emulate.
  24. Onni

    HMS Gannet

    Funnel made from a wooden dowel with white styrene instant glued around it and the top of the funnel is a piece of old copper tube I had laying around.
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