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Bottled Ship Builder


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  1. Like
    pob374 got a reaction from exwafoo in Black Pearl   
    Beautiful job, Thanks for the tips and photos.
  2. Like
    pob374 got a reaction from Chasseur in Refurbushing...   
    I'm adding a castle to her, and I have started planking her. 2nd photo show the windows for the castle.  

  3. Like
    pob374 got a reaction from Bernard Kelly in Refurbushing...   
    I'm adding a castle to her, and I have started planking her. 2nd photo show the windows for the castle.  

  4. Like
    pob374 got a reaction from Chasseur in Preussen Clipper   
    I'm a big fan of your work. Thanks for sharing your knowlage with us.
  5. Like
    pob374 reacted to DSiemens in How to Build a Bermuda Sloop (for beginners)   
    You are correct there is a main square sail between the jobs and the fore and art sail.  It also has stuns'ls.  It's very simmilar to a cutter rig in that way which is probably what made them such fast ships.  
  6. Like
    pob374 reacted to bluenoser in How to Build a Bermuda Sloop (for beginners)   
    Thanks for the info.  I had noticed that on the stamp  of the Turks & Caicos Islands  10C  ER 11 picture of an Bermuda Sloop that there was a sail that was taken in.  It is between the mast and the inner jib.  I assume that there are stud sails in your drawing as well.  Again thanks for the info and I look forward to the rest of your build.
  7. Like
    pob374 reacted to DSiemens in How to Build a Bermuda Sloop (for beginners)   
    Bluenoser - actually that's kind of a funny story.  I have built a lot of models using the plans from The Story of Sail by Laszlo Veres and Richard Woodman.  I once saw a post where Laszlo Veres complimented one of my builds that came from the book.  Several months later I ran into him in a forum on Facebook.  We exchanged private messages and he sent me some plans of ships I was interested in.  One being the Bermuda Sloop.  Since it his his work I'm not sure if I can share it more than I have.  It's similar to this plan which is from https://static.rcgroups.net/forums/attachments/3/1/0/9/7/4/a5389809-81-Bermuda Sloop Sail Plan.jpg?d=1356204521
    Now I get into carving out the hull.  First I start with the wood.  I always talk about how inexpensive this craft is and this instance is no different.  I went to hobby lobby and picked up some bass wood.  In case you are wondering I am not sponsored by hobby lobby and this isn't ads for them. They just happen to be the closest hobby store to my location.  Although if some one from hobby lobby reads this and feels like sponsoring a cool website that promotes ships in bottles....message me.  
    Any way here's the prices for what I got.  Honestly for $6 I can build twenty Bermuda sloops.  Supplies go a long way in ship in bottle building.     
    From here it's cutting out the size block I need.  I compare the wood to the plans and make a cut. 

    Then I cut the deck angle.  This is something I think I do a little different.  A lot of builders will carve the hull from a solid block.  I actually love that method because it's a lot of fun.  I do find this method to be a little easier though so I'm including it in the beginners build.  
    First I cut out the plans at the water line and the deck line.  For the deck line I use the bottom of the gun ports.  Carving out the deck this way  helps keep that nice curve the ship has.  The cut out plans will be used to carve this out.  The bulwarks will be glued on later. 

    The hull will actually be pretty thin so I cut the wood down and then wen to my dremel for the curved cut of the deck.  I've included the two tools I use.  One is fast and the other smooths it out I then follow it up with hand sanding.  I left a little under the water line since the ship will be embedded in the clay sea.  Note.  I made my length cut a bit long.  Better to long than to short. 

    From here I cut out the over head plans.  I drew out the center line then drew out the hull shape based on the plans and made my cut.  Something to note here.  For ships that have a big tumble home you will need to account for it before you cut out the overhead plan.  The deck may not be as wide as the hull itself.  The Bermuda Sloop doesn't really have a tumble home so this isn't a problem.  We will need to account for some slight tapering in the stern section but this will be done with the bulwarks and deck house later. 

    Then comes the more intricate sanding out of the hull.  Compare the hull to the plans and sand it out accordingly.  Note the way the stern and bow tapers inward as you go down the plans.  This needs to be replicated in the hull.  The hull in this photo appears long for some reason. Weird angle I guess.  
    Also note how the stern tapers inward when facing the back of the ship.  Sand those corners in.  I had a hard time getting a picture to show this.  I hope this is good enough. 
    Once the hull was done I drew in the deck planking.  There's a lot of methods to this too.  I did it kind of quick so it isn't amazing but I'm not stressing it to much.   Honestly a lot of the deck will be covered up with hatches, cannons and other parts so I wouldn't spend to much time on the deck planking.

    So that's where it's at.  The bulwarks will be next.  Let me know if you have questions.  
  8. Like
    pob374 reacted to DSiemens in Painting our ships   
    A fine brush is helpful.  For real tiny details I paint with needles.  I use cheap acrylics because they're cheap and wash out with water.  Most of my models I use wood stain and accent with paint so cheap paint works for me.  Experiment, find what works,and have fun.  
  9. Like
    pob374 got a reaction from Landlubber Mike in Refurbushing...   
    I'm adding a castle to her, and I have started planking her. 2nd photo show the windows for the castle.  

  10. Like
    pob374 reacted to Landlubber Mike in New Guy   
    Hey Norm, I built this SIB a couple of years ago as my first SIB.  It's a nice kit, but the one thing I'd point out is that the masts and spars and bowsprit are flat, brass photo-etched parts.  They have pre-drilled holes which makes rigging easier, but (1) they are essentially 2-D parts, and (2) they are so thin that you need to be really careful with them.  If you happen to bend them once or twice, eventually they will snap apart.  That happened to my bowsprit a few times, and it was a royal pain in the you know where to fix it.  I was also worried that they masts would snap during insertion and raising in the bottle, but thankfully the SIB gods took pity on me.All in all though, it's a nice kit and a nice way to start the hobby.  Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.  I put up a build log on modelshipworld.com, but don't think I put one up here.  I do have pictures of it here though:
  11. Like
    pob374 reacted to Shipbuilder in Tiny deadeyes   
    Thanks Alan, same to you!
    The deadeyes are small round paper punchings from telex tape.   In years gone by, when I was sending telex messages on a regular basis, I felt that a bottle full of punchings would come in useful at some later date for model making.       I saved a couple of hundred thousand of them!   I blackened them by dumping them in black spirit dye. I wound the wire on a frame in groups of three, and stuck the punchings on with spots of white wood glue.    After they were dry, I cut the outside wires off with a scalpel.     I hope to be able to solder the top deadeye wires to the bottom of the wire shrouds.     After they are fitted to the shrouds, I will lightly spray the whole lot black, so they should look better!
  12. Like
    pob374 reacted to Shipbuilder in Tiny deadeyes   
    At last, got a bright sunny day for a better photograph!     Nearly finished now, as the rigging is the easiest part.

  13. Like
    pob374 reacted to Landlubber Mike in Tiny deadeyes   
    Wow, very nice!
  14. Like
    pob374 reacted to Artur in Constitutionen   

  15. Like
    pob374 got a reaction from Bernard Kelly in Constitutionen   
    Wonderful detail, ...
  16. Like
    pob374 got a reaction from Bernard Kelly in Tiny deadeyes   
    Looks Great!
  17. Like
    pob374 got a reaction from Landlubber Mike in Greetings from Washington D.C.!   
    Welcome Mike, Igor mentioned the brass parts, I agree.  Modifications will be made. I look forward to seeing more from you. looks like you really do good work.
  18. Like
    pob374 got a reaction from Bernard Kelly in Refurbushing...   
    Ok, I started one already (Galleon). I agree it will be fun. 

  19. Like
    pob374 got a reaction from Onni in Refurbushing...   
    Hi Crew,
    I met a fellow builder, He is moving out of his home and into an apartment.In an effort to raise money and make room (get rid of stuff) he's selling some of his old work.I bought two of them. he said they were junk. so I thought I would make any needed repairs, as I dug into the spider web and nicotine covered pieces, I found that it would be best to strip them down and refurbush them. They are not SIB's nor are they models. I guess they were (factory) made as decorative pieces. None the less, they are ships... So I will make an effort to make them Beautiful once again. One is a Galleon and the other a frigate. I'm new to the hobby, and I hope to learn alot.
  20. Like
    pob374 got a reaction from IgorSky in Refurbushing...   
    Hi Crew,
    I met a fellow builder, He is moving out of his home and into an apartment.In an effort to raise money and make room (get rid of stuff) he's selling some of his old work.I bought two of them. he said they were junk. so I thought I would make any needed repairs, as I dug into the spider web and nicotine covered pieces, I found that it would be best to strip them down and refurbush them. They are not SIB's nor are they models. I guess they were (factory) made as decorative pieces. None the less, they are ships... So I will make an effort to make them Beautiful once again. One is a Galleon and the other a frigate. I'm new to the hobby, and I hope to learn alot.
  21. Thanks
    pob374 got a reaction from Chasseur in Bermuda Sloop   
    Looking Good, I will steal many of your Ideas...
  22. Thanks
    pob374 got a reaction from Chasseur in New Guy   
    I'm learning already! I will let you know what I think. It may arrive today.Thanks
  23. Like
    pob374 got a reaction from Bernard Kelly in Preussen Clipper   
    So much to learn, thanks...
  24. Like
    pob374 got a reaction from JesseLee in Pirate ship in Hot Sauce bottle   
    Too cool, Fine work...
  25. Like
    pob374 got a reaction from IgorSky in Pilot cutter Jolie Brise in a bottle - Scale 1/240   
    Such workman ship, I have much to learn...
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