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Bottled Ship Builder

James w rogers

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Posts posted by James w rogers

  1. Have purchased a few bottles of rum lately to use for my projects later or sooner depending how thirsty I get, but now some ? OK all are empty I find they are quite distorted to look through! My question is, therefore, how much do you think is acceptable before it ruins the visual effects of the model inside? Or is a bit of distortion acceptable to make it appear to look older than it really is? If you want it to look antique, which is the overall effect I prefer. ? 


  2. For paper I usually make a cup of tea then use the tea bag to wipe over the paper gently until I get the desired colour then I place a piece of kitchen paper towel over it and place something flat like a book on top until dry. Then I finish drinking me tea! 

    You can always go over it again after and make it darker with tea bag strongly brewed in a mug. I also do this to make black and white pictures look antique. ?

  3. 15 hours ago, Bernard Kelly said:

    Hi James

    Would this be the Phoenix that is usually in the dock at Charlestown, St Austell, Cornwall?  I went aboard her when my brother lived down there.

    She is a fine ship and I wish you well in modelling her.

    The very same.?

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