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Bottled Ship Builder


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Niallmhor last won the day on August 8 2019

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  1. Hi All, I did have a go many , many years ago and this was the result , I know it's no way as good as making the ship out of wood but it was a start . What do you think about it, next time I'll build it from wood . Niallmhor
  2. Hi Jesse, I'm sorry but, I can't remember who made them . This was back in the late 70s different but true it was plastic ship in a real glass bottle.
  3. Hi all, While serving in the military, I did once try and put a a ship in a bottle, this was a plastic 'man of war' in a glass bottle , I've still got it but it's not the same as putting something made from wood , paper and thread with my own hands into a bottle . I've never made anything from wood bar a fruit bowl I made at school many years ago but, with all the encouragement I've got from all of you maybe this will be something I can be proud of and say with pride " I made that" . I want to learn as much as I can from all of you . Maybe one day I'll put a Stalwart in a bottle , how? I've got no idea but how hard can it be ?
  4. The wheeled one swims, had her in the River Ouse just south of the city of York, North Yorkshire.
  5. Hi all, I know these are not models but we have been restoring these "Old Ladies" over the last 3 years , a Labour of love in some ways . I hope you like the photos Niallmhor
  6. Niallmhor


    A true work of art there Igorsky
  7. Hi all, I managed to get my hands on the following books ( see photo ) . The one called "Secrets to Ships in Bottles" may help me pick something simple to go for and what you gentlemen have suggested I'm looking forward to my first attempt at a SIB! many thanks once again for encouragement gentlemen. Niallmhor
  8. Thank you all for your encouragement, it's going to help me no end on my first project. Nothing fancy , just a simple one masted ship to start with and see how it turns out. Thank you all once again. Niallmhor
  9. Hi Lubber123, We have two pubs within a mile and a half from where I live so with a bit of luck I may come a cross a few of suitable bottles which I could use. What would you suggest I use to give me a idea of the inside height of the bottle and the type of wood I could use , someone suggested I use beech is that correct?
  10. I'm also a newbie to this form of modelling and things look abit different from what I've done before , in the way of plastic model ship kits ie: 1/96 scale but , I think I can do it just need a bit of help to get going and make that first step . I don't want start something too ambitious then give up on it half way thro it's build. I want to build something that I can be proud of.
  11. Hello There , Thanks for the add, I'm new to putting ships in bottles and hope I can learn the correct way of doing this interesting hobby and make friends along the way . Thanks once again Niallmhor
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