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Bottled Ship Builder


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Moab last won the day on June 2 2021

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  1. Guys; thank you sooooo much. This really helps...Moab
  2. I'm back at it this time and "trying" to build my first clipper. The problem I'm having is tieing the spars to the mast. I'm using a cow hitch but it's really difficult with the small line. Any tips or hints or does it just take practice?...Moab
  3. What a great model and build. Super photos...Moab
  4. The ocean fog clears and the beautiful Princess appears! She is a real beauty. Congratulations...Moab
  5. Marcos; I'm sure you are really proud of this beauty. Congratulations...Moab
  6. Below are photos of a quick build of the Lady Isabel. I first saw this boat in a 2018 issue of the National Research Guild Journal and loved it's odd lines. The model in the journal was built by the late Steve Wheeler and is a beauty. One description calls it a canoe back. I wanted to model this for a bottle but do this test buils first. Now I'm not sure if I want to build it for a bottle or a larger (1:75) model....perhaps both...Moab
  7. My father was an avid artist and wood carver but scrap dealer by trade. Around 1947 he built this ship which was used in a magazine advertisement. I was four at the time so I don't remember anything about the build but do remember we lived on the West side of Chicago in a small apartment. To my knowledge this is the only model ship he ever built...Moab
  8. Wow! Sorry I missed the beginning. Beautiful model...Moab
  9. Looks great! I've never used these products. I'll have to give them a try...Moab
  10. Currently a mess. Just went through a typhoon...Moab
  11. Everytrhing looks great! This is always the tough part for me (and I guess most other folks). I just started using a few magnets to help with positioning and they work great. Standing by...Moab
  12. This is a neat looking ship. I've never done one similar. I think I need to plan for one...Moab
  13. Welcome aboard. This is a good place to learn...Moab
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