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Bottled Ship Builder

Bernard Kelly

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    Bernard Kelly reacted to Alvaro004 in Hello from Spain   
    Greetings to all As my English is terrible, I have no more than a basic level, I use google translate to write these lines. I can follow you because my computer translates your forum for me and after thinking about it a lot I have decided to enter. I'm a novice at boats in a bottle, I've done four, the first two very simple, I hope I can show them, I'm not very good with computers or photos, but I'll do my best. I have a doubt just like English translates to Spanish for me, would Spanish translate to English for you? For my part, I will try that the language is not a barrier since I love this hobby and in Spain there are no specific forums for boats in bottles. That said... I hope to participate and continue learning a lot from you. Again a big hello to all.
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    Bernard Kelly reacted to Onni in What's on your workbench?   
    Donald Campbell’s Bluebird K7, on Coniston water,January 1967.

  3. Like
    Bernard Kelly reacted to DMC1964 in Thanks, John Fox!   
    Just got back from the Wisconsin Maritime Museum's 2022 Model Ships & Boats Contest and Show.  As usually, it was a wonderful time with lots of great modelers, models and discussions.  I want to publicly thank John Fox.  We had a chance to talk and he gave me some great ideas -- and motivation -- for my next ship in a bottle.  AND he gave me two Dimple Pinch bottles!  That was really generous and I will definitely make use of those in the future.
    Thanks, John!
  4. Like
    Bernard Kelly reacted to DMC1964 in Greetings from Illinois!   
    Thanks, John!
    Really looking forward to your talk in Manitowoc this year!
    I think I've solved the problem:  file size.  When I reduced the size, everything went fine.





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    Bernard Kelly reacted to IgorSky in What's on your workbench?   
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    Bernard Kelly reacted to IgorSky in What's on your workbench?   
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    Bernard Kelly reacted to IgorSky in What's on your workbench?   
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    Bernard Kelly reacted to IgorSky in What's on your workbench?   
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    Bernard Kelly reacted to IgorSky in What's on your workbench?   

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    Bernard Kelly reacted to IgorSky in What's on your workbench?   

  11. Like
    Bernard Kelly reacted to John Fox III in What's on your workbench?   
    Greetings Andrew,
    The veneer was obtained because I lived within a few miles of a factory that used a huge lathe type machine to turn whole logs while a sharp blade was placed against the log, removing thin slices. They made the facing for hollow core doors this way. I managed to get a foot high pile of pieces cut out due to knots, about 12" x 18". That being said, that method of making veneer has it's drawbacks, i.e. the wood is very rough, and often cracks easily.
    As to the planking, the deck planking is pretty well correct. However, the outside hull planking is definitely not the proper methodology. There would never have been planks that end in a point, proper planking never has planks that taper to less than half the width of the planks. It's been so long since I actually planked a hull properly, that I forgot that until I had planked too much to correct it. If one were going to paint the hull, then it would not matter, but I do not plan to paint my hull.
    Anchor's A Weigh!
    John Fox III
  12. Like
    Bernard Kelly reacted to Andrew Chapman in What's on your workbench?   
    That maple veneer is beautiful wood, and the planking on both deck and hull looks flawless.  I had no idea it was possible to plank a hull at such small scale so perfectly!
  13. Like
    Bernard Kelly reacted to John Fox III in What's on your workbench?   
    Greetings All,
    Here are a few pics of my work on 1813 US brig Niagara. Scale is 1:200.





    She has a solid carved hull, planked with maple veneer. Apple wood stem and stern post, as well as keel. The cap rail is maple veneer, 3 layers. Grating is maple veneer.
    Anchor's A Weigh!
    John Fox III
  14. Like
    Bernard Kelly reacted to IgorSky in What's on your workbench?   
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    Bernard Kelly reacted to IgorSky in What's on your workbench?   
    In progress...

  16. Like
    Bernard Kelly reacted to IgorSky in What's on your workbench?   
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    Bernard Kelly reacted to IgorSky in What's on your workbench?   
    In progress...

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    Bernard Kelly reacted to IgorSky in What's on your workbench?   
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    Bernard Kelly reacted to Onni in What's on your workbench?   
    Still a work in progress….

  20. Like
    Bernard Kelly reacted to IgorSky in What's on your workbench?   

  21. Like
    Bernard Kelly reacted to JesseLee in New Guy looking to start!!!!   
    Welcome Andy!
  22. Like
    Bernard Kelly reacted to Onni in Hello to Everyone   
    Welcome Patch! I rather like your ship in a bottle. Looks kinda cool. I am a similar age to you and started modelling in the mid 1980’s but gave it up because of work and family commitments but restarted in the next millennium. My eyesight has also deteriorated so I try to get as much modelling done while I still can.
  23. Like
    Bernard Kelly reacted to John Fox III in Hello to Everyone   
    Greetings Patch,
    We all started from the same point, no experience and a lot of experimentation. With modern internet access, you may be able to find some plans that would suit for your proposed model. My own interests don't go there, so I can't help with any directions, but have found that most things can be found if you search diligently online.
    Good luck!
    Anchor's  A Weigh!
    John Fox III
  24. Like
    Bernard Kelly reacted to Patch in Hello to Everyone   
    By looking at the images of your work you are all far beyond me when I was doing this 20 to 30 years ago. My training was a half inch thick book from the library and my plans were from another library book. No Internet available. Did 5 ships of increasing difficulty.
    I'm now 68, blind in 1 eye and have 18 scars and a fold in the other retina. However, I've taught myself how to work wood again to the 1/64th of an inch. Now I want to try another ship in a bottle. I may fail, but I want to try.
    I would like to do a working ship from one of the New England ports to honor those sailor's contribution to building this country. Where can I find plans for these type of ships that don't cost a good percentage of what the original ship plans cost to have drawn? The last ship I ruined by putting it in a totally inappropriate bottle so any help with suppliers would be appreciated.

  25. Like
    Bernard Kelly reacted to Chasseur in Thread Recommendation   
    At the moment what ever you can get your hands on!
    Remember each model is an artform, so use something antique/unique and think outside of the box/bottle, be expressive/creative!
    Chass ⚔️
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