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Bottled Ship Builder


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Everything posted by JesseLee

  1. I also like the sails- they look old & weathered & the sea looks very good. Jesse
  2. Now that is a good method of making cannons! I'll have to try it sometime. Jesse
  3. Looks like a good start. I would add lines above the yards passing through holes in the masts & add shroud lines. The lower front line needs to be just above the yard so it wont be in the way of the sail. Looks like a good project. I love those older style ships with multi level top decks! Jesse
  4. Wow! Beautiful. Never used wire for rigging. Is it harder to use than thread?
  5. Me too. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
  6. Wow! glad it wasn't any worse for you! Woke up to a cold house this morning. I was up & down all night keeping a small fire going (mostly slow burning coals) in the fireplace to have some heat. It got down in the 20s last night here. Still very thankful. Rather have a cold house than a burned down house! Jesse
  7. Now that is some precise sawing!
  8. Thanks everyone! Jeff, we are ok, a little chilly but doing ok. We are attempting to get a guy from our church to come look at it who does heating/air but he seems to be out of town right now.
  9. JesseLee

    Life events

    Our daughter woke us up this morning very frightened. The house was getting smoky. Our electric furnace was on fire. I was dumping baking soda & flour on the flames the best I could while my wife was on the phone with 911 & everybody ordering me out of the house. When the fire department got there they found only smoke & heat. I believe a Higher Power put that fire out. I am upset because I know we don't have the money to fix/replace the furnace but I am so thankful our house didn't burn down. We do have a small fireplace for the colder nights. Will be extra thankful this Thanksgiving! Jesse
  10. I love this ship. I built a larger one of her over at MSW. Her history is interesting. The maid was an experiment at the time. What became the famous clippers all started with the Scottish Maid.
  11. I love to study this time in history. I had ancestors on both sides here in North Carolina. I have visited Fort Fisher many times. Jesse
  12. Very, very nice! The ship is very crisp & realistic & the sea is amazing! I want to learn to make seas look like that. Jesse
  13. JesseLee

    Pirate Ship in a hot sauce bottle

    I collect hot sauce bottles & I build ship models so I combined the two here. The hot sauce is named Captain Rodney's Pirates Gold so I put a Pirate ship in it.
  14. JesseLee

    Rouse Simmons by JesseLee

    Schooner nicknamed the Christmas Tree Ship because it brought Christmas Trees every season to urban areas of Lake Michigan like Chicago in the early 1900's.
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