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Bottled Ship Builder


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Posts posted by JesseLee

  1. Perfection really doesn't matter. You learn as you go. Most people can't do this at all so just doing a SIB at all takes great skill. As long as you enjoy what you are doing and you learn what to do or not do on your next one all is fine. I can't do near as well as most of the "pros" here but I'm happy with what I can do. Keep building. learning and most of all, enjoying this craft which I consider a very special form of art.


  2. I have had the issue with white glue swelling the wood making things fit too tight compared to when it was dry. I have used metal wire instead of wood pegs or I would sometimes taper the end of the peg making it easier to start in the hole with the rest of the peg very slightly scraped a little narrower to allow for the swelling. This probably does the same thing as the grove John was talking about.


  3. On 12/26/2021 at 3:25 AM, Shipbuilder said:

    Virtually nothing has been happening here for months - I guess I am just too impatient for my own good!☹️

    Although I haven't had a build in a while I do check in here every morning even if I don't leave any comments. There is something I like about a smaller group even through the slow time periods. It is more personal and friendly here. In a much larger forum I am a member of it can get so overwhelming with so many people and sections it is impossible to keep up with it all. The administration of it can get rather strict and impersonal. People there form clicks and some who think of themselves as advanced builders can make less advanced builders feel "not up to par". You don't really get that negative stuff here much at all. I am permanently disabled from a chronic illness and not much cheers me up now days but this forum does- even during the down times.



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