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Bottled Ship Builder


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Posts posted by JesseLee

  1. You can cut the wire off at the edge of the mast instead of have it stick out and bend down to the deck. I have even made tiny wood hinges this way. I have also used thread strung through the hinge hole in the mast. Make a shallow hole in the deck that the mast bottom will fit into. In the bottom of this hole make 2 tiny holes and string the thread through these tying off at the underside of the ship that will be glued down to the sea. They should hold the mast up when raised but springy enough that you can pull up just enough to lay the mast down for putting in the bottle. The thread is tight enough that when you raise the masts it kind of pulls it into the hole when you raise the masts. Glue holds them permanently after that. I like cutting a pin off at the edge of the mast the most. It doesn't hardly show- looks better in the end. You have to carefully put a very small amount of glue on the edge without it bleeding into the joint ( need to keep that hinge moveable!)

    Hope this helps some.


  2. Welcome to Bottled Ship Builder! I built that Revel Constitution kit when I was in High School. Moved to wood after that. My first attempt at putting a ship in a bottle turned out terrible but I learned a lot. Each one after that got a little better. Once you try it you will love it!


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